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FAQs - Krav Maga

Do I need to be fit to do Krav Maga?

The short answer is no.

Like any exercise it is sensible to understand what you will be asked to do and to let your instructor know of any conditions or injuries that may restrict certain movements or your abilities so that they can work around them with you.

Training Krav Maga involves movement, resistance and striking so there is very much a physical element to the training. There are also warm ups and summary drills at the end of each class which will increase your heart rate. Although encouraged to put in the maximum effort each student can go at their own pace so you will be able to work at a rate that is appropriate for your fitness level.

One of the benefits of training in Krav Maga is that it will improve your fitness, as well as strength and general conditioning. Many of our adult members say that they started taking Krav Maga classes as a way to get active and fitter.

The adult Krav Maga classes are 90mins, the teenage sessions are 60mins and the kids’ classes are 45mins to reflect an average level of fitness, (as well as attention spans).

Across our Krav Maga classes in Watford, Harrow and Rickmansworth there range of ages and fitness levels. Some people join to get into better shape having not exercised for some time whilst others are adding self-defence training to an existing fitness or gym programme.

How long does it take to become good at Krav Maga?

Krav Maga is based on natural responses and the techniques are relatively simple. Due to its history it is specifically designed to be quick and easy to learn. As such most people would expect to get to a good level of Krav Maga ability quicker than many of the traditional martial arts.

If you train twice a week with a good level of consistency you should become comfortable with the core self-defence techniques taught in Krav Maga in around six months to a year. You should also be more confident in de-escalating confrontations and better at spotting problems before they happen.

This does vary from person to person and Krav Maga is a very complete system as self-defence is a wide topic. Hence going beyond the core techniques takes beyond six months.

Gradings are offered at regular intervals and you could aim to be a high level practioner in around three years.

Are there grades in Krav Maga?

There are grades in Krav Maga and they are split into three levels.


There are five practioner grades. P1 – P5.

P grades can be taken every four – six months.

P1 – P4 can be taken in house in most clubs. P5 is taken at an external venue.

You could reasonably expect to go from P1 – P5 in around three years based on regular training and grading successfully at opportunity allowed.


There are five graduate grades. G1 – G5.

G grades can be taken once a year in the UK.

All G gradings are held at a venue external to the club.


There are five E grades. E1 – E5.

Expert Level 1 is considered the equivalent of a black belt.

The time between each E grade increases as you move up the grades. For example you must level one year between E1 and E2 and then two years between E2 and E3.

Does Krav Maga work for women?

Is Krav Maga a good form of self-defence for women is something we are asked very often.

Krav Maga is designed to be effective for people of all sizes and strengths and it targets an attacker’s most venerable parts such as their groin or knees. This means that your own size becomes less important.

Self-defence for women should also focus on how to avoid problems in the first place and how to deal with problems verbally to avoid the need to fight wherever possible. Krav Maga is focused self-defence and teaches very effective strategies in these areas.

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Self-defence & fitness classes for Kids, Teens & Adults in Watford, Harrow & Rickmansworth.

Both our daughters aged, 15 and 17, love their Krav lessons as keeps them fit and safe. I am so reassured that they know how to look after themselves as Krav gives them extra confidence. The instructors are great too, always kind and fully engaged. Highly recommend the club to everyone.

Alessandra - Little Chalfont

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